The devastating influence of Boko Haram and other Islamic extremists is increasingly felt in sub-Saharan Africa, including the northern parts of Cameroon. In 2020, Open Doors registered at least 41 attacks against villages. Christians always face the danger of individual assault or kidnapping while they cultivate their farms. Many people have been forced to flee multiple times.
One of them is Fadi Zara, who once lived in the village of Barawa, near the Nigerian border.
Fadi's story
“When I lived in my village Barawa in 2013, Boko Haram attacked our village. They came in the night. They killed many people and burnt our churches,” explains Fadi Zara. This was the first time Boko Haram displaced Fadi, but not the last.
“So, we fled to, to this village Vreket in Cameroon. They attacked again in the night. They burnt the houses of people. They stole many properties of the people.”
“We fled to another village, Laoudzaf. They attacked us there. They kidnapped many people, like women.”
“So, we fled to Zeleved, in 2015, in October. They attacked in the night again. They came and burnt the churches. They killed, even, I cannot count the number of people that they killed.”
Fadi spent a few years in the village of Zeleved. Her life there was typical of the lives of thousands of people trying to survive in these border areas: during the day they work in and around their houses and farms. But before sunset, they climb the surrounding mountains to spend the night there, for fear of yet another Boko Haram attack.
“We had to pass the night in the mountains. In the morning we would come back to our houses and work on our farms. But at nightfall, we go to the forest to sleep there.”
Living like this was simply not sustainable. After yet another violent attack, Fadi and her family had had enough. They packed their few belongings and fled yet again, this time to the town of Koza.
But the displacement was not the end of the hardships. That year, Fadi’s sister was kidnapped.
“Her name was Vusa, she was 14 years when they kidnapped her. She went to the farm with her friends. She did not return back with them. Some people say they have killed her, they did not leave her alive. Some people say they can’t kill a young lady like that. They will just marry her like their wife. We don’t know what to say.”
“When my mother heard this information, she did not know how to deal with it. After two weeks she died. Because she was brooding too much about how we left our village. And she witnessed, many of our neighbours, they killed them. She saw them, their blood on the ground. And then they kidnapped her daughter. So, she got hypertension and she died.”
Fadi is not unscathed. “Even when I want to sleep, I can’t. Many things come like a vision or dreams. And every time I am crying because I am an orphan. My father has died, and the BH (Boko Haram) kidnapped my sister, and my mother also died. I am the only one.”
In 2021 Open Doors delivered relief aid to 449 Christian families like Fadi in Koza in Far North Cameroon. Receiving the emergency aid was one of a few happy moments for Fadi these days. It had been a long time since she and other displaced people received help.
“I got rice, fish and a bucket, and soap and corn, a mat, and wrapper and vegetable oil. If you are not in your village, first thing, living in the village of other people is very difficult. We don’t have farming to do there, to get something to eat… All these things, I am surprised for getting it in my life today. I am very, very happy. Especially this wrapper. It is two years today, since I have not gotten a new wrapper like this. But you gave it to us today. I am very, very happy.”
Fadi could ask for many things, instead she asks: “I need that God stays with me in every situation, to do His wonderful power in my life. For me to see His face at the end of the day.”
During the first seven months of 2021 Open Doors distributed emergency aid to more than 3,000 Christians in Cameroon. This aid helps Christian leaders who are supporting church members to deal with persecution and its realities.
- Join us in thanking the Lord for this provision through supporters that has allowed Open Doors to give hope to Fadi and 3000 others like her.
- Please pray that Fadi will find a community and as she requested pray that, “God stays with me in every situation, to do His wonderful power in my life.”
- Pray for the thousands of displaced widows and orphans in the north of Cameroon. May God comfort them in their loneliness and provide in all their needs.
- Pray for church leaders in Cameroon who are overwhelmed by the immense and increasing need. Pray that they will stand strong when persecution comes and continue to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ.