A 44-year-old Muslim man named Ali Azhar took 13-year-old Arzoo from her parents on October 13th in Karachi, Pakistan. Two days later Arzoo’s father was informed that the abductor had produced a marriage certificate stating she was 18 and had converted to Islam. Two weeks later the Sindh Highcourt granted custody to the abductor, but the judges ordered the police to free the girl last Monday after protests.
Pakistani Christians ask us to pray for Arzoo and her family. “Arzoo is a 3rd generation Pakistani Christian girl”, one source who wishes not to be named, says. “She is one of many who go through the trauma of abduction and forced conversion annually. Christians in Pakistan are asking for prayer for the legal procedures and trial that lie ahead, for justice to be upheld and lives and families to be safeguarded.”
The source continues, “’Pakistan’s Christians love their country. Many of them are committed to this land. It is their sincere prayer that they will see justice in the days ahead, that they will hear the courts set a clear precedent ensuring future clarity that regardless of religious affiliation, children are safeguarded from abuse that is legitimized by child marriage, in keeping with the countries child marriage restraint laws. Arzoo is the face of many others.”
One church leader expresses gratitude to those inside and outside of the country who’ve raised their voices. “We are thankful to those Pakistanis who have raised their voice on behalf of Arzoo. We are thankful to those brothers and sisters around the world who have continued to pray for Pakistan and those who are tracking this story and others like it.”
Arzoo is currently in protective custody in a state shelter while the courts investigate
1. Abduction of a minor
2. Forced Marriage
3. Compulsion to convert or conversion under duress.
Pakistani Christians ask for prayer for the legal bench investigating and for all law enforcement agencies. “Please also pray for Arzoo’s family and for their safety and that the Lord would work that this case would not be prolonged in the courts and Arzoo’s life held in the balance. Pray that the Christians will recover from this deeply traumatic experience.”