In the eyes of people in her village, Nina* was an infidel who abandoned her faith. At first, her husband who was Muslim had no idea that she had become a Christian and was attending church in secret until the villagers found out and told him. They said he could not now be buried in his native village because they considered him an infidel too.
He was so angry at the perceived shame Nina brought on him that he beat her so badly she could not leave home for 5 days and ended up in the hospital for 8. He also beat his son because he too went to church with his mother.
Nina’s husband told her to renounce her faith in Jesus Christ and stop going to church, but she refused and stood firmly in her faith. Because of this, he left her. Currently, she is living alone with her son. She has lost hearing in her right ear due to the traumatic beating she suffered from her husband. We urge you to pray for Nina and her son.
Nina is just one of the many people in Kyrgyzstan suffering for their faith.
In regions outside the capital, Bishkek, Islamic extremists continue to target and violently attack non-Muslims.

There have been cases of Islamic radicals preventing non-Muslims from conducting funerals and hindering them from honoring the wishes of the deceased. In order to bury their loved ones, some had no choice but to convert to Islam.
In November 2022, a mob threatened ethnic Kyrgyz Christians to force them out of their homes if they did not convert to Islam. Forum 18 reported that local authorities had intervened to calm the situation but did not bring any charges against the perpetrators.
Kanatbek Midin uuly of the State Commission for Religious Affairs, while speaking about the attacks, said, “These are only isolated cases. They cannot cast a shadow on the generally positive situation for religious freedom.” However, considering the numerous attacks and injustices Kirgiz non-Muslims are facing, religious freedom seems like a luxury only Muslims can afford.
Pray for Nina and others who suffer attacks for their faith
Pray for the country of Kyrgyzstan, that they will see changes in laws that bring about religious freedom