6 Eritrea

What does persecution look like in Eritrea?
Eritrea’s persecution landscape is complex. On the church front, the government recognizes only the Eritrean Orthodox Church (EOC), Catholic and Lutheran churches. Converts from Islam or Orthodoxy to Protestantism risk severe mistreatment from their families and communities. Non-traditional churches face the harshest violations from both the government and the EOC. For many years, government security forces have conducted house-to-house raids, arresting hundreds of Christians.
In Eritrea, daily life is heavily monitored, with phone calls and internet usage under constant scrutiny. Eritrea is often called the ‘North Korea of Africa’ due to extreme state control. Christians, especially those not recognized by the state, suffer the most. Extreme pressure, state-sanctioned violence and conscription are forcing some Christians to flee the country. Conscription presses young Christians into indefinite military service without the right to conscientious objection.
How can I pray?
- Pray for those believers who are forced into military service against their will. Pray God will protect them and guide them.
- Pray for the families of those arrested. Pray that God will provide for all their needs.
- Eritrea has one of the most notorious prison networks in the world. Pray for imprisoned believers. Pray for encouragement and their immediate release.
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