Our partners run an initiative called “Daughterhood,” which works to protect Christian women from persecution like rape, molestation and humiliation. These women are particularly targeted by these types of abuse and violence in order to force them to isolate and renounce their faith in Christ. Disturbingly, the persecution also sometimes includes the poisoning of pregnant women.
The Daughterhood team includes women and men who are pastors, healthcare workers, counselors, advocates and social workers. This team stands with the victims works to build their communities into safe havens for the women in the Church. Right now, they are working hard to help Leena however they can, and to seek justice for this crime against her.
Please pray for the strengthening of Leena and her community’s faith.
Pray for God to have mercy as the Daughterhood teams fight for justice in the midst of these acts of brutality.
Pray God preserves Leena’s life.
Pray for our partners to be able to raise awareness against the cult that preys on young Christian girls who often think they have no one to fight for them.
*Representative names and photos are sometimes used to protect identity.