Your cards have arrived!
We have been overjoyed to pass on the messages of love and encouragement and the gorgeous drawings from young supporters to the children at the House of Mercy. This was a very special day.
Little eyes stared intently at the Open Doors worker who took the bundle of artwork out of his bag and started to lay them on the carpet. The shrieks of excitement filled the room as they scurried over to get their hands on them and admire all of it up close. They could hardly choose which ones they liked best.

The giggles and smiles all around showed how much it meant to them, that somewhere in the world another child had thought of them.
Jesus Cares for You!
The children in this Central Asian country couldn’t read the messages as they were in English, so an Open Doors worker translated the letters to them. “Stay strong!” read one of the pictures. “Jesus cares you!” read another. These weren’t just colourful pictures; they were words of encouragement.

Children here need all the support that they can get. Most of them live without their fathers. Their mothers have done whatever they could to survive but life has been hard for them to bear alone.
An Open Doors partner named Evgeny (pseudonym) is working to make a difference in these lives. He initially started the centre for vulnerable women who are battling addictions and poverty. But seeing how children of these women often suffered as well, he has opened its doors to be a haven for them. If not for this centre, they would be out on the streets.
Children here can get a head start in life by getting a good education and being surrounded by people who care for them. What is special about this place is that they get to experience God’s love every day!

“Here we have a family,” said Tania*, the daughter of a woman whose life was transformed through the love and forgiveness she experienced at the centre.
After a day of laughter and new-found closeness, Open Doors workers left the centre knowing that the world had become more connected for these children—that others around the world are praying and care for them.