Mehr*, a Christian woman, lies in the street, bloodied and unconscious. Her clothes are torn, her injuries are critical and there are strangulation marks around her neck.
This is a picture of persecution in India. It’s violent, targeted and carefully orchestrated. But beyond the brutality, there’s another story. A story of defiant, courageous, unshakeable faith.
Because, thanks to the support and prayers of the global church, Mehr is recovering and filled with hope for the future. “Jesus is everything to me,” she says.
Intense persecution
Mehr grew up in a Hindu family – so when she chose to follow Jesus, it came at a huge cost. Persecution has been rising in India since 2014 as Hindu extremists attempt to ‘cleanse’ the country of Christian influence. Believers are attacked on all sides. Social media is used to stir up hatred, access to work, healthcare and justice is restricted, and the level of violence is shocking.
Mehr was attacked in the street. “They beat me mercilessly and tried to strangle me with a cloth,” recalls Mehr, with tears in her eyes. She was rushed to hospital – but persecution followed. Attackers bribed the doctors, and Mehr was refused treatment. She felt hopeless and even contemplated suicide. Her world was shaken.
Restored by love

But thanks to people like you, Mehr was not alone. Your generous support paid for Mehr’s medical bills and moved her to a hospital where Christians were welcomed. Open Doors church partners provided groceries and other aid – and support the family even now.
Because of this, Mehr’s faith remains unshaken.
“God sent you as divine helpers. When everything looked dark, your prayers uplifted me,” said Mehr. “Thank you so much. Surely my cup overflows with blessings.”
Believers need you when persecution shakes their world. With your prayers and support, their faith remains unshakeable. Please, will you help India’s Christians remain unshaken in faith by praying and, if you are able, by giving today?
Today, Mehr has extraordinary faith. She speaks of her ‘unexplainable joy in Christ’ and prays her persecutors would experience Jesus. This is the vital impact of your support and prayers. India’s Christians live with the daily threat of persecution – but because of you, their faith remains unshaken.
“God’s plan for my life is big and I will be used for His glory,” said Mehr.
*Name changed to protect her identity