prayer Request


Nigeria is one of the most violent places in the world for Christians. Pray for those whose loved ones have been killed or abducted. Pray that God would also work in the hearts of Nigerian government leaders so that they would be convicted and challenged to work to protect Christian citizens and communities.

Prayer Resources

When Open Doors partners connect with our persecuted family around the world, the number one request we receive is that we continue to pray for them.

You can use these resources to help you pray for your brothers and sisters where faith costs the most. 

Prayer Calendar

Our Prayer Calendar is published once a month. You can take time each day to pray for the persecuted church with a request from a specific person, country, or situation listed for that day. Use the prayer calendar for your church, your family, or your personal prayer time! 

The PAUSE Initiative

When you sign up for Pause, you receive a toolkit each month with everything you need to pause once a month during your service to pray for the persecuted church. The toolkit includes a video explaining a current prayer request, related graphics, and more. Available in both English and French.

World Watch List Prayer Meeting Toolkit

Download this toolkit to find everything you need to hold your own prayer meeting for the persecuted church – visual aids, information kits, and more.​

Monthly Zoom Prayer Meeting

Join us on the first Tuesday of each month as we pray for the persecuted church. We’ll gather together and lift up the latest requests from the persecuted church. Join us at either 7 pm ET or 7 pm PT.​


Your gift is strengthening your brothers and sisters
in the face of oppression and persecution.


Persecution is growing, and so are the needs of persecuted believers. More Christians need Bibles, discipleship, trauma counselling, and relief aid as they face violence, displacement, and loss. 

The Canada Post strikes slowed the arrival of gifts during this critical time of year. Will you help?

Your support will empower persecuted believers through Bibles, training, relief aid, trauma counselling, and more. 

Your year-end gift is more important than ever.

Persecution is growing, and so are the needs of persecuted believers. More Christians need Bibles, discipleship, trauma counselling, and relief aid as they face violence, displacement, and loss. 

The Canada Post strikes slowed the arrival of gifts during this critical time of year. Will you help?

Your support will empower persecuted believers through Bibles, training, relief aid, trauma counselling, and more.