“God knows our needs…I thank believers all over the world who have assisted our family.”

Irwan, Open Doors aid recipient

"God knows our needs....I thank believers all over the world who have assisted our family."

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Help the family of a Christian Prisoner

When a Christian is imprisoned for their faith, it’s not just a traumatic experience for the believer, but it often has large implications for the believer’s family.  

When Chamchai’s* husband, pastor Inthy*, was imprisoned three times in Laos, Chamchai was devastated but had to carry on for the sake of her family. 

Unfortunately, there are many believers, like Chamchai, whose loved one has been imprisoned for their faith in Christ, who need love and support to make it through.   

Chamchai described her experience: “I would be crying all day long, even more, when I needed help and he was not by my side as he usually was. It brought me so much pain and sorrow.” 

Today, you can come alongside the family of an imprisoned believer and provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support. Would you prayerfully make a gift today? 

Use the form below to securely make your gift today.  

8-19 Brownridge Rd. Halton Hills, ON L7G 0C6 | (905) 636-0944
Registered Charity No: 11906 8799 RR0001