Open Doors expresses its deep concern and sadness over the death of Mahsa Amini in Iran after she was detained by the country’s morality police for wearing “improper” hijab. We condemn the practices of the Iranian morality police that enforce conservative Islamic dress code and behavior and use their power to punish anyone who does not abide by their religious standards.
Open Doors is also deeply troubled to see the increasing instability in the country over the past week as a result of Iran security forces’ violent response to the public protests against the government. We urge the Iranian government to respect its citizens’ right to protest peacefully.
The case at hand unveils a broader issue of Iran’s gross violations of international norms on freedom of expression, women’s rights and freedom of religion or belief, which affects many religious groups in Iran, including Christians.
Open Doors recognizes that the restrictions on religious freedom affect Christians in Iran in many ways, including harsh limitations on places of worship. We express our serious concern that Christian gatherings in private homes have been denounced as “illegal groups” and acts “against national security” while many churches continue to be closed. We urge the Iranian government to cease imposing criminal charges and imprisonment on these grounds and allow free exercise of worship to all religious groups.
We also urge the Iranian government to respect the right to freedom of religion or belief for all, which involves ceasing to impose the obligation on women to abide to an interpretation of religious clothing that might not align with their own religion or belief.

We call upon the international community to continue raising the issue of freedom of religion or belief and discrimination against women, with the Iranian government through diplomatic channels, trade and JCPA negotiations, and to insist on accountability of perpetrators of violations of fundamental rights.
Prayer for Iran
Lord Jesus, pour out Your peace and justice on Iran today. Comfort Mahsa Amini’s family as they grieve and seek answers about her death. Protect protestors from violence – help them to make their voices heard and so bring about greater freedom of religion or belief in the country. Help the church in Iran to unite in prayer and be a beacon of hope to their communities during this turbulent time. Amen.