“I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.”
Many of us have heard these words as we were baptized, and when we’ve seen family or friends baptized. But in parts of Mexico—No. 38 on Open Doors’ 2023 World Watch List – where Christians are often persecuted for their faith, the decision to follow Jesus carries with it a weight most of us don’t experience.
Our partners recently witnessed the powerful statement of baptisms in Chiapas State, where young believers professed their trust in Jesus—as their local church celebrated in worship.
“With feathers of gold my name is written,“ they sang, “my name is written in the book of God.”
And while it looks like any other outdoor baptism you might have seen, what the scene doesn’t capture is the risk and pressures this church has gone through and continues to face in their indigenous community of Napite.
Four years ago, five Christian families from the were expelled from their community—forced to leave everything behind—because they chose to put their allegiance and trust in Jesus instead of their community’s local beliefs and rituals.
That’s when Open Doors’ local partners stepped in to talk with community’s leaders. After a year of negotiations, the five families were able to return to Napite—but not before signing an act agreeing to pursue their faith outside the community and to not to build a church. Everything they do as a church, including baptisms and worship, must be done away from the place where they live and work. They recently traveled an hour-and-a-half away to participate in a biblical training led by our partners that focused on serving and living peaceably in their community.
Open Doors continues to support and train this church to be salt and light in Napite, and the church is seeing God work through their obedience to trust and follow Him. Church leaders shared that they have already seen two more families in Napite put their hope and faith in Christ. These baptisms are proof that the gospel cannot be stopped—and the Kingdom of God is on the move!

Pray with the families of the Napite Church—that they would grow in their faith and love for Christ.
Pray that this church would continue to add believers and multiply in ways we can’t fathom.
Pray that God would open the hearts of local authorities and community members as they see the love of these believers for each other and for them.
Pray for these newly baptized believers. Pray that the roots of their faith would be deep and life-giving. Ask God to protect these young Christians as they encounter inevitable pressures from their peers and authorities. Pray that they would be reminded of this day and their decision when persecution comes their way.