– Iraq has seen a rise in domestic violence and honour killings during the pandemic. Human rights activists advocated for a law against domestic violence but it failed to pass in parliament. Religious parties claimed the law denied the right of parents to educate and discipline their children and with that, might threaten the stability of families and society in general. Please pray for those who do not feel safe in their own houses.
– Military activity on the border of Turkey and Iraq causes fear and panic among civilians. Pray for their protection and an end to conflict.
– Reham Adil, a young Iraqi activist, died during a protest against the government. Who killed her is unknown. Pray for comfort for her family also for the protection of the other Iraqi activists.
– A UN car belonging to the world food program was attacked with an explosive device on a road close to the Christian town of Bartella. One UN employee was injured. Pray for quick healing of the injures as well as pray for the Christians of Bartella that are worried about the security in their area.
– During the summer season, Iran regularly reduces or cuts off the flow of the rivers that enter Iraq. This year Iran totally cut off the Zap and Sirwan rivers, which greatly affected the people near the city of Sulaymaniyah. Due to the drought of the land, many farmers moved to the cities to work as daily labourers. Pray that the regional disputes that affect innocent farmers stop. Pray for the farmers and their families to keep investing in their land to find their daily needs.
– Pray for the owners of a Christian fish farm in Al-Diwanea province after they suffered from a massive death of fish due to water pollution. Pray for the farmers, as the fish farm is their source of income.
– Many government employees in Kurdistan are still not getting paid because of a conflict between the regional Kurdish government and the central government. As a result, hundreds of people went into the streets of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah to protest against the regional government, Please pray that the regional government is able to hear the voice of the people and respond to their demands.
– Pray from the protection of people who have been infected with the COVID-19 virus in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people are infected and the pandemic in Iraq is not under control. The poor health system in Iraq is a complicating factor. There is a lack of medical materials and respirators.
– Please continue to pray for the daily laborers and others who have no work due to the pandemic because they were forced to stay at home. Ask God for mercy to meet their daily needs.
– Pray for the political leaders of the new Iraqi government lead by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi. The new government came after the Iraqi demonstration against corruption. Pray for them to be able to hear the people and lead the country to light, peace, and justice.