The Malaysian region of Sarawak has seen massive flooding last week. Heavy rains and thunderstorms saw water levels rise about a meter high. Many families were evacuated or moved to the second floors of their long houses. Schools were shut down as well.
One area that has been hit particularly hard is the town of Kapit, where many believers live and do ministry. Open Doors local partners have responded, preparing relief aid and other necessities to distribute to the affected communities. They carried the needed aid by boat.
The emergency relief was gratefully welcomed by the believers. “I did not expect that the (global) church would care. We do not ask for much. Whatever you have given us is already good. I am so thankful,” said one believer.
Another said, “I did so little for God, but yet He is faithful to provide for my need through you.” She has only just started sharing the gospel with her animistic family, after many years of being a believer. She was very touched that God still cares for her.
Another elderly believer shared, “Through this aid, we know that God still loves us and is merciful towards us.”
The flood waters have started to recede, and the people are ready to go back to their homes and their lives soon. Open Doors local partners will continue to provide relief aid to believers, as the flood has destroyed their crops and the pandemic is still on-going.
Please Pray
1. Pray for the believers as they go back to their normal lives. Pray that they will have a renewed understanding of the love of God.
2. Pray for God to protect and bless the work of our partners and volunteers who are providing aid to affected believers.