It didn’t work.
Despite efforts, none could heal her until she was brought to a local church. The pastor and the members of the church accommodated the couple, and they prayed for Ai day and night. God granted their petitions and Ai became better. This was the beginning of a conversation that led to the couple getting saved.
Going home healed and with a newfound faith, the couple passionately shared the gospel to their children and few of their relatives – they too believed and accepted Jesus in their lives. From there, they established a small house church that grew to six families with thirty individuals.
At first, they demanded that Ai and her family return to the local animistic religion. But they replied, “We have become converts for a long time now. We have received healing and blessing from our Lord. He has changed our lives. We will not deny our faith as you have demanded.”
In July, the villagers and local authorities became physical. They came to stop the church service and proceeded beat some of the church members. All the church members were cut off from the government-funded subsidy program for the poor, their certificates were confiscated stopping them from claiming any social benefits.
In August, while other citizens of Vietnam were receiving COVID-19 relief provided by the government, these six Christian families were excluded.
Then, in September, the villagers went to the houses of these believers and destroyed their properties. Their rice harvest was burned, two cows were slaughtered and one more was severely injured.
At the moment, they are still prohibited by the local authorities to gather together or conduct any church activity.
*Pseudonym used for security reasons
Please Pray
· That God will cover them in His wings and protect them from the schemes of the evil one.
· That in God’s time, they will be able to meet again as a church and much stronger to face any persecution. Pray that they will be strengthened in this time of suffering and continue to be salt and light to the unbelievers.
· That the Lord will provide for their urgent needs such as food.
Learn More
In the latest World Watch Weekly podcast, Andrew and Jared discuss different ways that persecution affects the whole family in Vietnam.