This is a note from Ahmad (pseudonym), an Open Doors partner in Central Asia.
I want to tell you some very good news. We have started a ministry on the border between our (undisclosed) country in Central Asia and Afghanistan. This is a very difficult and closed area for the Gospel. But by the grace of the Lord, we can serve in this region. There are now a lot of refugees from Afghanistan, many of them are hiding in a deserted area without clothes, food and drinking water.
Those who live there cannot get their water because of the climate changes and harsh terrains. Those who earn, at least, a small income in a family can afford to buy water, but such people are very few. Basically, people drink rainwater and water from rivers and ditches. The risk of disease is very high.
We prayed a lot about this situation and by God’s grace, your prayers, and your help, we were able to make our dream and the dream of many people in this region a reality. We started drilling 240 meters deep and found water there!
This path was very difficult, many of those who were engaged in the drilling were initially reluctant to get involved with this project, especially because they were not sure whether they would even find water in this area. And besides, there was no equipment that could reach such depths. Fortunately, one company agreed to help us and ordered additional specialist equipment to drill to the required depth.