11 India
Persecution Type
- Religious nationalism (Very strong)
- Dictatorial paranoia (Very strong)
- Ethno-religious hostility (Strong)
- Christian denominational protectionism (Strong)
- Clan oppression (Strong)
Christian population
Main Religion
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
What does persecution look like in India?
In India, Hindu extremists view all Christians as outsiders and aim to cleanse the nation of Islam and Christianity, often using extensive violence. This hostility is often driven by Hindutva, an ongoing Hindu nationalist belief among some extremists that Indians ought to be Hindu – and no other faith will be tolerated. This mindset has led to violent attacks across the country and impunity for the people who perpetrate them, especially where the authorities are also Hindu hardliners. In such places, Christians who attend house churches risk attack by extremist mobs who target services.
Additionally, 12 states have passed anti-conversion laws, which threaten religious freedom for individual believers.
How can I pray?
- Ask God to help the new coalition government protect the rights of all Indians, including Christians.
- As Christians in Manipur State continue to recover after the 2023 violence, pray for a spirit of peace and reconciliation.
- Pray with church leaders who are falsely accused under anti-conversion laws. Ask God to protect them.