23 Mauritania

What does persecution look like in Mauritania?
Mauritania is staunchly Islamic and Christian activities are severely restricted, making it difficult for Christians to express their faith. For those who convert from Islam, it’s almost impossible.
Apostasy is legally punishable by death. Although there are no known cases of this in recent years, the threat remains. Converts risk expulsion from the family home and loss of livelihood; they may even be forced to leave the country. The presence of Islamist extremist groups also constitutes a threat to those who leave Islam. Baptisms can only be carried out secretly, but many converts are reluctant to do this, fearing the awful consequences of being discovered. Evangelism is strictly forbidden and can lead to prosecution.
Although the growth of the internet and social media helps converts to connect with other Christians, this is still fraught with difficulty due to slow technological development in many regions as well as a lack of privacy within families.
How can I pray?
- Please pray for believers to find ways to meet together and grow in faith with a Christian community.
- Pray that God will overturn laws that forbid conversion from Islam so that all people will be able to follow the religion of their choosing.
- Ask God to protect His people from extremist groups and maintain political stability in Mauritania.