30 Nicaragua

Persecution Type
  • Dictatorial paranoia (Strong)
  • Communist and post-Communist oppression (Strong)
  • Organized  corruption and crime (Medium)
Christian population


Main Religion



President Jose Daniel Ortegal Saavedra

What does persecution look like in Nicaragua?

Those who speak out against President Ortega are viewed as destabilizing agents. Changes to the law in recent years means that church leaders are labelled terrorists and coup plotters. The situation has deteriorated significantly since 2018, when widespread protests broke out against the dictatorial regime. Years later, retribution continues against those perceived to have opposed the regime, even those who merely provided shelter and medical assistance during the protests. 

Christians have been among those to raise their voice, but it’s coming at an alarming cost. Christian leaders have been harassed and arrested, Christian properties seized, Christian schools, TV stations and charities closed, and churches monitored and intimidated. In light of these pressures, many Christians, particularly church leaders, have felt forced to flee the country. Many more have been expelled. Persecution against the church aims not just to silence the church, but to undermine their credibility and prevent their message from spreading. 

How can I pray?

  • Please pray for God’s protection for church leaders who courageously continue to speak out against government injustice.
  • Pray that Open Doors persecution preparedness training and discipleship seminars will help believers live as salt and light.
  • Pray that believers who are monitored by the government will not be deterred from sharing the gospel.


Persecution is growing, and so are the needs of persecuted believers. More Christians need Bibles, discipleship, trauma counselling, and relief aid as they face violence, displacement, and loss. 

The Canada Post strikes slowed the arrival of gifts during this critical time of year. Will you help?

Your support will empower persecuted believers through Bibles, training, relief aid, trauma counselling, and more. 

Your year-end gift is more important than ever.

Persecution is growing, and so are the needs of persecuted believers. More Christians need Bibles, discipleship, trauma counselling, and relief aid as they face violence, displacement, and loss. 

The Canada Post strikes slowed the arrival of gifts during this critical time of year. Will you help?

Your support will empower persecuted believers through Bibles, training, relief aid, trauma counselling, and more.