39 Tajikistan

What does persecution look like in Tajikistan?
Despite now officially having freedom of religion, the reality is different. The state still imposes restrictions on religious activities mainly to contain Islamist extremism. But the rules and surveillance affect Christians too, and the state is becoming increasingly wary of and hostile toward them.
There are many elements to the Christian life that are illegal without a permit, from holding a religious meeting to printing religious literature. Anyone under age 18 is not allowed to attend church services, and Christians are not allowed to share their faith. In recent years, church meetings have increasingly been raided by the authorities, with church members being interrogated for hours and pressured to inform on others. They can be detained, fined or imprisoned. As a result, the risk of persecution has driven many Christians underground.
Much of the country is Muslim, and believers who come from this background face rejection, humiliation and possible violence from their families and communities.
How can I pray?
- Christians who meet in house churches can face monitoring from authorities and government raids. Pray that these believers can worship together without fear
- Pray for a change in heart for government officials, so that they will stop infringing on religious freedom
- Ask God to protect evangelists and other Christian workers who bring God’s Word and other Christian resources to His people in Tajikistan.