29 Turkmenistan

What does persecution look like in Turkmenistan?
Turkmenistan is a former soviet state, and it’s still ruled by an authoritarian government that heavily monitors the population – especially religious groups. There are many restrictions to how Christians can live out their faith in Turkmenistan. Printing or importing Christian materials, holding unofficial meetings, or even downloading Christian songs can result in a fine or a worse punishment. Christian leaders are the most closely observed. Even the country’s historical Russian Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic churches can find their Sunday services being monitored.
The majority of people in Turkmenistan are Muslims. People who become Christians from this background are at risk of being shamed, harassed, disinherited or even beaten by their family, friends or community. Even if other family members are Christians, women and girls can be targeted to intimidate their Christian husbands and the wider Christian community.
How can I pray?
- Pray that God will soften the hearts of the leadership in Turkmenistan, and that they will find the hope of Jesus
- Ask God to make a way for His Word and other Christian materials to reach believers hungry for Scripture
- Many church leaders in Turkmenistan are monitored by the authorities. Pray they will be protected and that they will lead with grace and peace.