Open Doors first came alongside Abebu in 2014 after her husband was murdered. The single mother of seven was doing well and starting a business with Open Doors’ support. She would buy produce in bulk, portioning it, and then selling it at the market. “With the profit we got from it, we bought salt, coffee, grains and we lived on it.”
That is, until the pandemic began.
Last year when we visited, she said: “We have finished all the money we had earned, and we can’t do anything else but stay at home.”
During that time, the schools also were closed, which made life even harder for the single mother. It was a struggle to keep all her children fed. Usually, Abebu would be able to count on her church for help, but even the churches were closed. “That means our church does not have any income. So, they can’t help us with food.”
But thanks to your generosity, Open Doors was able to support Abebu with COVID-19 financial relief. to help her and her children survive the new challenges the pandemic had brought.
Now, more than a year since the pandemic started, she’s back on her feet and working harder than ever. The schools reopened and all her children, except for her youngest Chera, have returned. Because of your support, Abebu and her children were able to weather the COVID-19 storm.
Recently, our partners visited her again. Upon entering her compound, they were met by a flurry of activity. Chickens were scurrying about, waiting for Abebu to feed them, while the children were busy with chores or playing.
With a little support and encouragement, Abebu has grown into an avid farmer and entrepreneur. To ensure an immediate income, she has taken out a loan and bought food in bulk to sell at the market. On top of that, she’s bought chicks and lambs which she’s rearing to sell once they are big (and fat) enough, and growing eucalyptus tree seedlings to sell.
The family’s faith remains strong. “My spiritual life is good. We are worshipping and praising God together. My children are well and healthy. They are pursuing their education,” Abebu said during the visit.
But there was more news. Abebu was informed that the man who had killed her husband seven years ago had turned his life around and accepted Christ’s gift of salvation. He had been released from prison and requested to join Abebu’s church.
It is a hard thing to face someone who has caused so much pain, but Abebu has forgiven him. She told Open Doors, “We have no revenge. We have no resentment.” At the same time, she decided that it was not in her children’s best interest to interact with the man and his family every Sunday. She appealed to her church elders to find him another church, and they have respected her request.
Now, Abebu considers Open Doors as her family. She shared: “To my family who has supported me… who prayed to God on our behalf: we would not be here and would not have anything, (without you). May God bless those who are concerned for us and assist them.”
- Thank the Lord for Abebu’s perseverance and faithfulness amid a very difficult year.
- Also thank God for answering Abebu and her children’s prayers for the murderer who has chosen to follow Christ. Abebu’s willingness to forgive her husband’s murderer is a miracle and we thank Him for this testimony.
- Abebu wants her children to know God and be strong in their faith. Pray that they will follow their mother’s example and be faithful in their Bible study and trusting God with all their concerns.
- Continue to pray for the children’s schooling. “I want my children to reach a better place,” she told OD workers. Pray that they will be encouraged by their mother’s example of hard work.
- As a widow, Abebu remains vulnerable concerned about her safety. Please pray that the Lord will continue to protect her, her children, and her property.